
Prof. directeur

Alexandre Roulin


I received my PhD from the University of Bern in 1999. Following a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Cambridge (England) and in Montpellier (France), I received a “Professeur Boursier” grant at the University of Lausanne, in Switzerland, from the Swiss National Science Foundation and was hired as Associate Professor in 2008 and then as Full Professor in 2016 in the same university.

I’m interested in all aspects of evolutionary biology. By working with the Barn Owl, I have studied its reproductive biology, social behavior, ecophysiology, its population dynamics, population genetics, genomics, and its conservation biology. This wide field of study enabled me to write a monograph on this particular owl which was published by Cambridge University Press in 2020 (French and German translations forthcoming in 2021). My preferred research areas are evolution, the maintenance and adaptive functioning of color polymorphism based on melanin pigments, as well as the social behaviors amongst siblings.